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Sam D. Mann

Friday, January 15, 2010

Grasp Email Marketing Basics And Go Make Money Online Fast

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That's it for the moment. Think Lucky - Be Lucky!!

Sam D. Mann

P.S. I want you to make a promise to yourself, not me...
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Now then, here's a brilliant article for you to read. Submitted by one of my many Guest Authors...

Email Marketing Basics

by Rudy Barell

You know that email marketing is effective, but if you are for a first time email marketer it can seem like a daunting task. This article will provide you with some basic ideas to use when starting off your emails. When you've gotten the hang of them, you'll begin to have success using email marketing solutions.

Everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) wants to send out that special holiday email to keep in touch with your clients or contacts. The reason for doing this makes sense: show them how much they matter to you and they will feel like a valued costumer and therefore be loyal to your organization. Before you send out your holiday e-cards, keep in mind that the holiday season can be a tricky time to send emails.

Because so many people are sending messages at this time, your contacts will likely be inundated with email marketing program e-messages and best wishes emails. Also, during the holidays are when people go on vacation or take a break from their computers. Meaning, your email, will only be seen after the holidays, if it gets seen at all. It'll sit in a contact's inbox for a week or so along with EVERY other holiday email.

What would you do if you had an inbox that was over flowing with holiday cards? Most likely you'd pick out the important emails and delete the ones that don't appeal to you. Or, you might skim the email marketing solutions emails as quickly as possible, paying very little to no attention to the messages. You can imagine that your contacts are doing exactly the same thing.

A remedy to this situation is to send the email early. Sending the email at the beginning of December or in the second week of January will get your email a more unique reading time, therefore a higher likelihood that the email will get a response.

This brings me to my next point.

A very important thing to remember about email marketing is that you need to make sure you know exactly HOW you want your contacts to respond to your email. Knowing this will make creating the email a heck of a lot easier (because you will have a concrete focus), make it more targeted to contacts that are interested and will elicit a better response from your contacts. Also, once they do act on your email you will have a measurable way to gather data on the success of your email.

When you have found the focus of the email, make sure that you place that desired response in the subject line of your email. Here's an example of a subject line that explains the focus of your email: "Click the link to receive a 30% discount on your next purchase."

With this subject line, you can measure two things: 1) if the contacts have clicked on the link in your email. The better email marketing solutions will provide you with detailed tracking that will record which contacts have clicked on the links in your email. This is GREAT information for preparing a more targeted email, because they have provided you with information on EXACTLY what they interested in. 2) If contacts actually purchase something at the discount price mentioned in your promotion, you'll know that your marketing campaign has worked. You can create a list of these individuals and target them as preferred customers. I don't have to tell you that customers that respond to your emails by purchasing something are the BEST kind of customers!

When you are getting ready to create your email marketing message, start with your subject line (only after you've determined what the focus of your email campaign will be). Make sure that in your subject line you indicate the focus of your email and you avoid using dollar signs and words typed in all capital letters.

Using dollar signs and capital letters in your email marketing subject line are meant to attract attention. They do attract attention....from the spam filters. Spam filters determine whether an email should be sent to people's in box or junk/spam folders. If your email lands in the junk folder it won't be read.

The same is true for exclamation points. If you want to suggest the urgency of your email, make sure you use words to do so, and not symbols.

Here's an example: "2 Days Left to get a 50 Percent Discount".

The message speaks for itself. No need for emphasis. If the customer is interested they will open your email.

When you get to sending out your message, it is always better to address the recipient in the email. This is done by adding a 'Hello Jill,' or 'Dear Jim'.

Your email marketing program can pull this data from the file you uploaded to you your database, provided that you've indicated a first name for the recipient in the file. This will give your recipient a more personalized feel and the contact won't necessarily feel that the email was sent in bulk, but was strictly meant for them.

To find your first bit of email marketing success, use these basic tips to start you off on the right foot. There is always more to learn about email marketing and the task may seem like a mountain to climb. These tips will give you the right foundation to start the process of email marketing advancement.

About the Author:


Here's today's tip from Sam D. Mann at Affiliate Marketing Strategies Tips and Tools

Nothing beats being in a position to:
1. Determine profitable search terms (Using Buyers keywords).
2. Launch mini sites based mostly on the given keyword phrases.
3. Rank in Google and all the alternative search engines for those keyword phrases.
4. Convert your traffic into revenue.

Each of the steps listed heretofore is vitally important to doing well online and will ultimately determine how much money you'll make. Understanding and identifying profitable search terms should be the starting purpose of your business.

Be familiar with this: Individuals which misunderstand or ignore any of the above points end up frustrated and not bringing in any money. Generally speaking, ignoring those points results in the down fall of numerous would-be successful Internet marketers.

Final point. Always ask yourself:
Can I drive traffic in this market?
Will this traffic convert into affiliate sales or AdSense clicks?
What is the value of a conversion?

SEO Tip Of The Day.
Validate your websites: CSS (W3C CSS validation Service FREE HTML (W3C Markup Validation Service FREE Then check for errors and broken links.

My thoughts for today...
I have seen many newcomers buy ebook after ebook to find something magical. They don’t act on what they have learnt. They expect money to just pile up in their bank account, without them having to raise a finger. No, that won’t happen. There is no magic here. You have to read the techniques, understand them thoroughly and then get right into implementing them.

Another great blog for you to check out and read some excellent articles on...
How To Make Money Online Fast

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